* Breaking News *
Coronavirus Delays Shipping of DeBreather
Exit has just been informed by the manufacturer that the spread in the past fortnight of Coronavirus has led to a delay in the Chinese shipping of the new R2D DeBreather device.
The manufacturer has told Exit that shipping will now commence 9 February (not 1 February as previous advised) at the earliest.
All questions about the DeBreather should be directed to the inventor/ manufacturer (not to Exit).
* The DeBreather is not an Exit device.
* Exit is not involved in its sale.
The full scientific analysis of the DeBreather (inc supply details) can be found in the January 2020 update to the Peaceful Pill eHandbook.
Livestream - Helsinki, Finland
15.00 EET, Thursday 6 February 2020
The LiveStream comprises 2 Parts:
- Exit public meeting - ‘End of Life Rights as the Ultimate Human Right’.
- Analysis, discussion & Q&A on hypoxia as the means of a peaceful death - using the 'R2D DeBreather’ & Sarco and inorganic salts as examples.
TIME: 15.00 EET (Eastern European time)
DAY: Thursday 6 February 2020
PLACE: Forum Marski 1 (Mannerheimintie 20B) 6 Kerros, 00100 Helsinki
- 15.00 EET – (Eastern Europe Time – Helsinki Time)
- 14.00 CET (CET)
- 13.00 GMT (GMT)
- 08.00 EST (Eastern Standard Time – USA)
- 05.00 PST (Pacific Standard Time – USA)
- 00.00 AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time + 1 day)
LiveStream duration will be ~90 minutes (with a break after 45 minutes).
Q&A will be via the real time chat box.
Sarco Opens @ Cube Design Museum
Details of the Sarco Cube exhibit - click HERE
'Verwacht: (Re)design Death' is a new exhibition of 'Dutch and international design projects related to death and the rituals surrounding it.'
Cube Design Museum is at: Museumplein 2 6461 MA Kerkrade NL
Sarco Cocreators, Philip Nitschke & Alex Bannink, will do a Facebook Livestream on Philp's FB page on opening night between 19.00 & 20.00 CET.
Dutch 'Completed Life' Report
Confirms Exit is 'right on message' for the Future
Last week, the Dutch Ministry of Health published its long-awaited report on completed life.
Titled ‘Perspectives on the death intentions of elderly people who are not seriously ill’, the report investigated the need among the 'well elderly' to have an end of life plan in place that does not require the sanction/ involvement of the medical profession.
This government report stands in stark contrast to the wholly medicalized approach (based on degrees of illness) that is evident in countries such as Australia, Canada and the US.
Exit's explanation of why the Netherlands is breaking new ground in the debate stems from the fact that this country has had more than 2 decades of euthanasia law.
From experience comes wisdom and a maturing of the debate.
Philip Nitschke's own extensive experience in working in the voluntary euthanasia field for the equivalent time has informed Exit's own similar views.
Far from rejecting the medical model of legislation for the sake of it, the point is that by only providing a 'good death' (euthanasia) to the relatively small minority of people who are terminally ill misses the bigger picture of the majority: as well as the broader social, philosophical and ideological questions that underpin the public conversation.
Read more about the Dutch report (in English) in:
Belgian Doctors Cleared of 'Unlawful Poisoning'
Exit is pleased and relieved that our good colleague, Dr Lieve Thienpont, has this week been cleared of 'unlawful poisoning' in a trial that focused on the euthanasia death of 38-year old Belgian psychiatric patient, Tine Nys.
Tine died back in 2010. However, in a situation all too familiar, her family (her sisters in particular) took exception to her request for euthanasia. They argued that Tine had not exhausted all medical options. They argued that her recently-diagnosed autism had not been sufficiently treated. They were wrong.
Exit knows that this has been an especially stressful time for Lieve & her family.
It is very pleasing indeed to bring the Exit community such positive news: not only that Lieve has been acquitted but that Belgium's voluntary euthanasia law will live on: providing choice at the end of life, even to those who are mentally ill.
Philip Nitschke gave comment supporting Lieve on 'Good Morning Europe' on Euronews TV at the commencement of the trial.
2020 Exit International Workshop Tour
Exit's 2020 Australian Workshop tour dates are now confirmed.
Before the Australian tour, however, there will be 2 dates in Europe (London & Dublin).
Bookings are now open for all dates.
Dragon Hall, 17 Stukeley St, WC2B 5LT
12 noon @ Wednesday 15 July
12 noon @ Saturday 1 August
Workshops are free to members of Exit International
Peaceful Pill eHandbook subscribers receive 50% discount
Entry is generally open to the over 50s, of sound mind & anyone seriously ill
Exit reserves the right to refuse entry