
World Documentary Premiere

Laura's Choice @ Perth Int Film Festival

Despite the global COVID-19 pandemic, Sam Lara & Cathy Henkel's new feature documentary about their grandmother/ mother, Exit Member Laura Henkel, will have its world premiere at the 2020 Perth International Film Festival in December.

A Q&A with the film makers will follow.

When? 12.15pm, Saturday 12 December 2020
Where? Luna Palace Leederville
Tickets? Luna Palace Cinemas

Film Teaser
Film Information

* This is an in-cinema event (not online).

New - Exit Internationalist Email Archive

  • Missed one of our weekly Exit Email Newsletters?
  • Wonder what Philip Nitschke has been doing in lockdown?
  • Doing research & need a short-cut to the answers?
This week, Exit is very pleased to make available on the Exit International website the archive of our weekly 'Exit Internationalist' Email Newsletters.

Current Email Newsletters
Archived Email Newsletters

Or go to ExitInternational.net and click to Newsletters

Exit Advocates the Swiss Model

New Queensland Euthanasia Law

Exit's submission to the Queensland Law Reform Commission on the type of law the Government should consider introducing is now available on the Exit International Website.

Not surprisingly, Exit has submitted that the best legislative model is the one in operation in Switzerland:
  • where the person does not need to be seriously ill, or even ill at all
  • where doctors are not the only people authorised to assist
  • where the only criteria is an altruistic motive by those assisting
  • where the safeguards of 'mental capacity' & 'doing the action oneself' are rigorously enforced & have operated well since 1937
Under the medical model legislative framework adopted in both Victoria and West Australia, as Dutch journalist Henk Blanken has written in a 2018 Guardian long read, the person's death will never be their own.

It is a sad story. The right to die has been discussed for so long now in the Netherlands that we have come to believe we each have the right to die when we want. But when push comes to shove, the patient is not the one who decides on their euthanasia. It is the doctor who decides, and no one else.

Read Exit's Submission
November Peaceful Pill eHandbook Update

November Update - Now Available

The letter 'N' which stands not only for November, but for Nitrogen, Nitrite & Nembutal.
  • N regulators (p.108-09)
  • Peaceful dying with Nitrite I - what peer-reviewed journals say (p.200-04)
  • Peaceful dying with Nitrite II - new Exit research results (p.205-06)
  • Nembutal & the Authorities - Homeland Security & more (p.336)
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